

Actionable strategy & guidance for experts, published leaders & next level biz owners. Subscribers are building sustainable, scalable, significant growth that matters.


Clip of using VoiceNotes

This has mashed the GAS pedal on my content production...

Hi there Reader - I have been heads down in create mode for a hot minute. What I have on the horizon for you - is like - chefs kiss - SO good! But in the MEANTIME - I have a new obsession - it's called VoiceNotes. It's an AI tool, but unlike a "voice prompt" to ChatGPT, I'm using this tool to record my thinking, and using AI to explore and use that info. There's a lot more to it, I made a lil behind the scenes look here 👇 Take look at VoiceNotes in action Take a peek at VoiceNotes While you...

Ready for some tough talk? 😤

There are home cooks, and there are chefs.A home cook knows their kitchen inside and out. They cater to the tastes and styles of their family and culture.However, a chef can create a dining experience for a large group, over and over all night long. They have a menu and style built on the fundamentals of excellent food, adding their unique perspective, combined with something people desire and pay to experience.Home cooks and chefs have radically different goals and experiences in the...

Honestly? I was about to burn a bridge over nothing...

Working together had gotten REAL difficult lately, and I could tell we both felt like wringing the others neck.When I was alone, I would pace around the office, ranting my frustration, trying to figure out how to resolve the problem without resorting to finger pointing.----In moments like this, (thanks to many previous failures - we're all human) I've learned to identify when a problem is becoming dangerous and pump the brakes.I try to ask myself "what do I WANT to happen here?" so I can...

Solving little problems that became BIG monsters... 👹

Sometimes a simple obstacle is doing more damage in your business and than you might realize, Reader. The “job” for this project was simple - untangle an overly complex and outdated email marketing system in her B2B consulting business and migrate an improved membership experience to a superior platform. Today, the doors opened and new members are flooding in to an upgraded platform & membership experience, a killer onboarding process, with veteran members sharing invites with their peers....
The Retention Blueprint - A Community Formula Video Cover Title

When you see the number, but have no idea what to do about it...

Hi there Reader! You been on social lately?About six weeks ago, everyone was jumping on the Skool bandwagon because Hormozi became a partner - and there was SO much excitement about building a membership. "2024 is the YEAR of the MEMBERSHIP!" Twitter hailed, like community building, membership models and recurring revenue models haven't been around for ages. Nobody talks about the REAL facts. In 2019, it was predicted that over 75% of businesses would have a subscription model offer by 2023....

Engagement, retention, and results - they all start here.

Hi there Reader, Ever wonder why some communities thrive and grow with engaged and loyal members, while others can't get a 2nd login? Not many people will tell you this, but the first 72 hours make ALL the difference. Those first three days of a customers experience with you can make or break their retention, engagement, AND the results they're likely to get from you. But what does this look like in practice? And what should you (or your VA, or your community moderator) be doing during this...

Everyone's working so hard to get new customers...

Everyone working SO HARD to get new customers and members, to see them walk out the back door a few months later…. ⚡️ THE REAL MONEY IS IN RETENTION ⚡️ And retention STARTS the minute they hit the “buy” button. THIS?! 👇🫢🤢 - Welcome Email - Purchase Receipt Email - Platform Login Email DOES NOT AN ONBOARDING EXPERIENCE MAKE. A great experience can be simple and wildly effective. And when you have a good onboarding in place...?⚡️⚡️The ROI is 3x CLV PER CUSTOMER ⚡️⚡️ Yeah. Go ahead and do that...

What's TRULY important for growth in 2024

Wanna know a secret, Reader? Achieving sustainable growth is a lot like turning a recipe into a dish. You gotta have the right ingredients, an equipped space, the skills to execute the recipe... it's a whole thing. A recipe can have variations (cultural adaptations, available ingredients, personal preferences). The same combo of ingredients can be tweaked by ratio to deliver radically different outcomes. (Tortillas vs. grits vs. polenta, amirite?) A recipe can have levels of sophistication in...
Selfie of Starlight, driving through the desert with the top down, breeze in her hair, tunes on the stereo, loving the fuck out of life right now.

This is a vibe check.

I LOVE a good road trip. Great music. Fantastic co-pilot. Zooming around obstacles and ahead of the traffic. Taking a break whenever we feel like it. Stopping to take in a view. To take in a meal. To explore some little shop, and get some lovely little things. Checking maps to see what else might be around, along the way. I love it as much as getting to my destination. I LOVE to drive. I LOVE to go fast. I love winding roads where I hafta slow down. I love seeing new places I’ve never been. I...